Eastertide Silent Retreat Reflection
The Lord is indeed risen. In our day-to-day life, how can we remember "Easter" day? Silent retreats helps a believer to immerse in...
Eastertide Silent Retreat Reflection
13 Apr: Cajon Socials
12 Apr: #3 Life After Death (Eph 2:1-10)
7 Apr: Good Friday Service
29 Mar: #2 Power of the King (Eph 1:15-23)
26 Mar: Relationship Q&A
8 Mar: #1 Blessings from God (Eph 1:1-14)
22 Feb: Ephesians Launch
God, I'm scared...
Prayer Warriors Needed
Do you proclaim and practice singleness and marriage as valid kingdom gifts, choices and stations?
Are you holding back?
27th Birthday Reflections
2023: What's next?
2022: Year-end Reflection
S1E2 - Why Singles Need Communities
S1E1 Can Relationships End Loneliness?