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God, I'm scared...

Writer: Site AdminSite Admin

"God, I'm scared... I'm too young to confront and change culture (i.e. promoting biblical dating)."

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Today, I find assurance from God's interaction with Jeremiah.

Jeremiah was scared to answer God's calling to be His prophet.

God reassured Jeremiah that age is not a hindrance to what God has planned for him.

God has set apart Jeremiah even before he was formed in the womb!

What does this mean?

1. Jeremiah has a role in God's master plan even before he was born.

2. The formative years of Jeremiah were not for nothing. In accordance with His plan, God blessed Jeremiah with the experiences, gifting and knowledge required for the role he was called for.

3. God doesn't need the most eloquent or established spokesperson. An obedient heart far surpasses capability.

4. Age is a limit set by humans. God enables those He calls. And those He calls are not subjected to human limits.

5. "You must go to everyone I send you to" - the direction is set by God not man.

6. "...and say whatever I command you" - the content is inspired by God not man.

7. It is therefore more crucial to fear a disconnection from God (i.e. doing and saying things that doesn't come from Him) ... rather than human limits (i.e. age).

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Although I answered the call to serve in the singles ministry... I'm still quite fearful of (1) being too young and (2) being inadequate.

Today's scripture was a testament that (1) my age of serving in this season is just right because it is in accordance to God's timing (2) direction/content comes from the Lord not me.

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When we accept Christ, we answer the SALVATION calling to be holy and pure in His sight.

Thereafter, each of us will go on a journey to discover our SERVICE calling - area to serve in.

God's plan for you came before you were formed in the womb and is not hindered by human limits.

Are you ready to answer God's calling for you today?



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